Right, fuck off down the shops.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Robbie causes road rage.

Well really! Yesterday we were in the car waiting at some traffic lights. I was sitting in the back, even though it was just me and The Pam (aka the mumster) in the car, when none other than Robbie fucking Williams taps on the front window and gets her to wind it down so he can hand her a mystery box before walking off.
Still at the traffic lights, Pam then gets in the back of the car to open her box (fnar!), which contained a rather swish mp3 phone thing, with grey headphones, all wrapped in lovely tissue paper. This pissed off the motorists behind and we all ended up having a fight on the pavement. I don't know how this all turned out, because it was a dream and I woke up. I definitely survived though since I went shopping in a later dream.
Robbie's probably been handing out presents in dreams as a way of promoting his new song Rudebox. It's a load of CG shite, but still manages to be really quite brilliant. A bit like Justin's latest. The Scissor Sisters also have a new one out, but that's just "quite good" despite being a proper song and sounding a bit like The Nolan Sisters.
See ya.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
There's a Girls Aloud song for every occasion:
That's a clever reference to the fact that it was a bit hot today.
Isn't that the coolest thing ever?! And certainly not an example of scare mongering journalism. If I get bored tomorrow I plan on riding the bus around town for a few hours (with that pocket fan I got sticky taped to Smash Hits last summer) and watch all the business types get brain damage. I wonder what boiled brain smells like.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Stuff wot I have learnt this weekend.

From my Grandparents' Visit:
- Though you spend the winter of your life being a cunty grumpy bore, you snap out of this in the period that is, in life-as-a-year terms, that odd week between Christmas Day and New Years Day and become almost fun to be around. It's either dementia or simply being happy to be alive that causes this.
- My family aren't as bad as I previously thought. Except my sister. She's a monster.
- I want to be retired now, so I can watch Neighbours and go to Sainsbury's all day every day. And not have to bother with standing up to go to the toilet.
From my first driving lesson since last September, with scary new instructor lady:
- I'm a really bad driver.
- Although I now know how to stop the car without getting whiplash.
- And to look in the mirrors all the time, and not just when I get in the car to check my hair.
- I probably shouldn't have booked a test for 5 weeks' time.
From that Kylie interview:
- Kylie is fucking great (though I actually knew this already).
- Kylie is not dead and is sparklier than ever.
- Kylie is better than Madonna, since Madonna is a cunt.
- Cat Deeley isn't very good at interviews, although she is extra specially lovely and comes from Birmingham.
- Kylie is at Wembley for a week next January. She's performing, not just watching some football. (If you are a Kylie fan and would like to go with me, please say so. My friends only like acts with guitars, greasy hair and band-referencing black t-shirts).
- Cancer is bad.
In general:
- Coke Zero is almost brilliant. It tastes like full-fat coke for the first second of being in your mouth, before becoming fizzy water.
- The OC is good again. Well, I saw five minutes earlier where they killed off Marissa. It was done rather weakly, but Marissa! Dead! She should die in every episode.
- Celebrities crying and whining about the state of Africa is just really rubbish.
- Charlie and Lola are big in France.
- I should watch Emmerdale, as stuff like this has been happening:
Apparently it's gone all Footballers' Wives (sob!) and Patsy Kensit was fed her own horse a few months back.

Yes, I can be like all the dull people on MySpace too:
Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
You scored as Kimberly Walsh. You are Kimberly! You are a sweet, kind and caring girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. Also you have a great body and a great sense of humour!
Which Girls Aloud member are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
You scored as Trendy. Your A Trendy
What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect created with QuizFarm.com |
You Are 56% Evil |
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. |
Your results:
You are Green Lantern
| Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
What famous lesbian are you?
You are Ellen. Everyone loves being round you as you keep the jokes coming. And your not affraid of your sexuality!
Take this quiz!
Quizilla |
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EDIT: These things are just rubbish. As well as telling me that I'm not Batman, they've fucked up my bootiful blog layout, the bastards.
EDIT SEQUEL: It's only fucked up on Internet Explorer now, but that's for fools anyway. Rebel and get Firefox.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
My Adventure by Gareth King aged 8(een)
There is show on my tellyvision called Neighbours and it is extra really brilliant. It is about what life is like in Australia. Anyway there is a bad lady in it called Izzy and she has a band. They have come on holiday to England and we had tickets to watch them sing songs.
So on tuesday after lunch I got on a red and silver train in Birmingham. It was very busy but I could move faster than the pregnant women and pensioners so I managed to get a seat. I sat next to a lady with bingo wings and a big book of SuDoku. She was very clever but had to go to the toilet twice and she smelt a bit after her first trip there. After many minutes and some seconds I got off in a place called Watford. There were lots of platforms and I was confused so I asked a lady in a stripey suit where her train was going. I said excuse me and please but she was unhelpful and quite rude but it's ok because I found a big screen that told me where to go. Another train then took me to Hemel Hempstead.
There Aunty Sian met me and made me feel safe. She has no husband but lots of cats. Aunty Sian took me to her house and made me and another boy a nice tea of fake sausages and chips and sweetcorn. I like sweetcorn because it looks like my nan's teeth. Then Aunty Sian brushed her teeth and we went back to the station and got on lots of trains. One went underground where it was dark.
We were then in a place called Shepherd's Bush but there were no sheep or Shepherds and I could only see trees. There were lots of homeless people who made me feel sad inside though. There was also an outside toilet which I looked at and the door opened and there were two women inside and one was laughing but the other one was screaming because she was sitting down with no trousers on. We went inside a building called the empire.
Inside there were lots of older boys and older girls and me and Aunty Sian bought some fizzy pop which costed lots because London is where poshrich people like Janel Ellis and the Queen live. We then made friends with a girl called Dee who had come from Australia for the night. There were some men on stage singing but they were boring.
A bit later on we stood quite near to the front. Some australian girls who had mens' bodies were angry at us because we had pushed a bit past them. We couldn't help it though because Dee wanted us to meet her friend who was at the front. Then Izzy and her friends came on and it was exciting. You could see Izzy's legs but they were very nice and made me feel funny. Aunty Sian also felt funny but that was because her fizzy pop had made her dizzy. She kept shouting things about wanting to be there "groupie". There was an old pervy man right at the very front who was looking up Izzy's pant area. I took a picture:

He had his hands in his pockets. Everybody else was waving theirs about and being happy. Izzy sung songs for nearly an hour. She sung the ones off the casette what I have which is my faourite and also that song by No Doubt that everybody sort of knows but doesn't know the name too (Hella Good). She also sung a song by an old band called Transvision Vamp. Then they all left the stage and I was sad but they were only pretending because they came back and sung a song called Voodoo Child that is very good and everyone knows because it is on the radio and they sell it in Woolworths. One of the older boys made a video of it and put it here.
It all ended and it is was past my bedtime but it was still quite early because Izzy's Band is not hardcore like Slipknot or Rooster. Although they were a bit grown up because they didn't have dancers or fireworks. I would have liked dancers and fireworks. We went round the stage door to try and lick Izzy and her friends. There were lots of nice people and the pervy man and some older boys who didn't look like they had been close to girls before. One nice older girl said she loved Izzy but I think she was mistook because she is a girl. There was a man guarding the door who wouldn't let us in. We got bored of waiting though and Sian was still dizzy and on the floor and a crazy homeless man sat by her and said words that weren't proper words to her. SO we went home, but this is what it would look like if we had met them and got Izzy's autograph:

Bye bye.
So on tuesday after lunch I got on a red and silver train in Birmingham. It was very busy but I could move faster than the pregnant women and pensioners so I managed to get a seat. I sat next to a lady with bingo wings and a big book of SuDoku. She was very clever but had to go to the toilet twice and she smelt a bit after her first trip there. After many minutes and some seconds I got off in a place called Watford. There were lots of platforms and I was confused so I asked a lady in a stripey suit where her train was going. I said excuse me and please but she was unhelpful and quite rude but it's ok because I found a big screen that told me where to go. Another train then took me to Hemel Hempstead.
There Aunty Sian met me and made me feel safe. She has no husband but lots of cats. Aunty Sian took me to her house and made me and another boy a nice tea of fake sausages and chips and sweetcorn. I like sweetcorn because it looks like my nan's teeth. Then Aunty Sian brushed her teeth and we went back to the station and got on lots of trains. One went underground where it was dark.
We were then in a place called Shepherd's Bush but there were no sheep or Shepherds and I could only see trees. There were lots of homeless people who made me feel sad inside though. There was also an outside toilet which I looked at and the door opened and there were two women inside and one was laughing but the other one was screaming because she was sitting down with no trousers on. We went inside a building called the empire.
Inside there were lots of older boys and older girls and me and Aunty Sian bought some fizzy pop which costed lots because London is where poshrich people like Janel Ellis and the Queen live. We then made friends with a girl called Dee who had come from Australia for the night. There were some men on stage singing but they were boring.
A bit later on we stood quite near to the front. Some australian girls who had mens' bodies were angry at us because we had pushed a bit past them. We couldn't help it though because Dee wanted us to meet her friend who was at the front. Then Izzy and her friends came on and it was exciting. You could see Izzy's legs but they were very nice and made me feel funny. Aunty Sian also felt funny but that was because her fizzy pop had made her dizzy. She kept shouting things about wanting to be there "groupie". There was an old pervy man right at the very front who was looking up Izzy's pant area. I took a picture:

He had his hands in his pockets. Everybody else was waving theirs about and being happy. Izzy sung songs for nearly an hour. She sung the ones off the casette what I have which is my faourite and also that song by No Doubt that everybody sort of knows but doesn't know the name too (Hella Good). She also sung a song by an old band called Transvision Vamp. Then they all left the stage and I was sad but they were only pretending because they came back and sung a song called Voodoo Child that is very good and everyone knows because it is on the radio and they sell it in Woolworths. One of the older boys made a video of it and put it here.
It all ended and it is was past my bedtime but it was still quite early because Izzy's Band is not hardcore like Slipknot or Rooster. Although they were a bit grown up because they didn't have dancers or fireworks. I would have liked dancers and fireworks. We went round the stage door to try and lick Izzy and her friends. There were lots of nice people and the pervy man and some older boys who didn't look like they had been close to girls before. One nice older girl said she loved Izzy but I think she was mistook because she is a girl. There was a man guarding the door who wouldn't let us in. We got bored of waiting though and Sian was still dizzy and on the floor and a crazy homeless man sat by her and said words that weren't proper words to her. SO we went home, but this is what it would look like if we had met them and got Izzy's autograph:

Bye bye.
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Oddfather

More recently, he decided to build himself a mini barbeque out of wood to save him assembling the new one. Of course his wooden invention set on fire and both he and myself (who was called in to help) ended up with blisters and burns all over our hands.
But today really "takes the biscuit", since I discovered that he's taken the wooden urn that contained my Granmother's ashes for 10 years (until we decided to empty her into Lake WIndermere), drill a whole in it, nail it up a tree and use it as a fucking birdbox.
Jesus christ.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Best Before End

Now as much as I like my current summertime carnation of a housewife (mostly daytime tv with a bit of sunbasking and shopping), I can't help thinking that it would probably get a bit boring to do it for the rest of my life. Obviously I'm not saying I'd prefer a job, hell fucking no, it's just that we're probably only alive once (sorry Buddhists!), so it would be a shame to squander it all on the mundane. Therefore, I have compiled a non-definitive, subject-to-change list of the stuff I'd quite like to do before I'm a bit dead.
Whatevernumberitturnsouttobe Things To Do Before I Die
1. Swim with dolphins. - Dolphins are brilliant, and that is a fact. I saw Jade Goody doing this on her Living TV reality show the other week, and it looked fucking amazing. I stupidly forgoed the chance to do this when I was in SeaWorld a few years back, for shame.
2. Sit on a jury. - Or do I mean sit "in" a jury? Hmmm, "on" does conjur up images of me taking turns to sit on 11 members of the public. Oh well, it's obvious what I mean.
3. Write my will. - And one that has a really cunty clause of the highest inheriter having to spend a night alone in a haunted house, or even better, get married, before they can have the cash. Though I doubt I'll leave anything worth such hassle.
4. Go in a shark cage.
5. Let a Jehovah's Witness (or other belief enforcing door knocker) in the house, and try and bore them into leaving.
6. Dress as a devout muslim women for the day, just to see what it's like. - I'm convinced I saw a man doing this the other day. If not, I've done a very broad shouldered and tall woman a great disservice.
7. Run the London Marathon. - Hahaha as if! No, really! I say it every year, but one year when I say it I need to spend the next year training for it. My main problem is I can run for no more than 5 minutes (and I don't want to be one of the losers / OAP's / terminally ill people who just walks it) and I run like Phoebe from Friends.
8. Be an extra in a film or long running Soap.
9. Ask a question or give out some self-righteous advice on Trisha.
10. Skydive.
11. Go on Safari and see lots of big animals. - I actually did this at Disney's Animal Kingdom, but that just took the piss. I want to do a proper one.
12. Visit Auschwitz, and be all moved and humbled.
13. Go to Glastonbury - it always looks ace when it's on the telly.
14. Visit Ancient Egypt - obviously I can't visit "ancient" Egypt in the true sense, but I mean just visit the pyramids n shit. Although:
15. Travel through time.
18. Avoid mental/properbad physical illness or extended periods of unhapiness/ unfulfillment.
19. Rescue someone from a burning building. - I'm contemplating starting the fire.
20. Mexico, Australia, China, Japan, India.
21. The whole love/settle down thing.
22. Drop a Watermelon from a tall building to watch it splat.
23. Meet the Queen/King of Britain.
24. Get fluent in a foreign language. - Possibly German, since it would be a shame to waste Frau Green's five years of teaching, although I did only get an E in it. Yeah, fuck German. Spanish is sexier. Perhaps I'll learn that. My school only ever let the special needs kids do it, so it 's easier too.
Hmmm, some of this list looks a bit pricey. Hurrah for my disposable gay income!
Stuff I'm lucky enough to already of done: fly over the Grand Canyon; Disney World; had something pierced; karaoke; drunk myself sick; done the "sights" in London, Paris, America; other stuff that I'm glad I've done but can't remember right now.
This list does all seem a bit wanky, but write your own and it'll probably be just as so. Unless you're Gareth Of The Future reading this (and you haven't died or blogger hasn't fucked up and lost all the old posts), in which case you already have a list and YOU'D BETTER BE WORKING ON IT.
2. Sit on a jury. - Or do I mean sit "in" a jury? Hmmm, "on" does conjur up images of me taking turns to sit on 11 members of the public. Oh well, it's obvious what I mean.
3. Write my will. - And one that has a really cunty clause of the highest inheriter having to spend a night alone in a haunted house, or even better, get married, before they can have the cash. Though I doubt I'll leave anything worth such hassle.
4. Go in a shark cage.
5. Let a Jehovah's Witness (or other belief enforcing door knocker) in the house, and try and bore them into leaving.
6. Dress as a devout muslim women for the day, just to see what it's like. - I'm convinced I saw a man doing this the other day. If not, I've done a very broad shouldered and tall woman a great disservice.
7. Run the London Marathon. - Hahaha as if! No, really! I say it every year, but one year when I say it I need to spend the next year training for it. My main problem is I can run for no more than 5 minutes (and I don't want to be one of the losers / OAP's / terminally ill people who just walks it) and I run like Phoebe from Friends.
8. Be an extra in a film or long running Soap.
9. Ask a question or give out some self-righteous advice on Trisha.
10. Skydive.
11. Go on Safari and see lots of big animals. - I actually did this at Disney's Animal Kingdom, but that just took the piss. I want to do a proper one.
12. Visit Auschwitz, and be all moved and humbled.
13. Go to Glastonbury - it always looks ace when it's on the telly.
14. Visit Ancient Egypt - obviously I can't visit "ancient" Egypt in the true sense, but I mean just visit the pyramids n shit. Although:
15. Travel through time.
16. Gamble in Vegas. - Just a slot machine would do me, although it would be fun to dress as rain man and try the card counting thing. America is a backwards country that doesnt let 14 or 17 year olds gamble, so I'll have to wait until I'm over 21 and go back a third time to probably the bestest place in the world.
17. Conquer my fears of spiders, snakes, rejection and failure. - I'm getting better with the spiders, and the other day I did actually manage to start a conversation on msn (thus getting over the "they won't want to talk to me right now" rejection worry).18. Avoid mental/properbad physical illness or extended periods of unhapiness/ unfulfillment.
19. Rescue someone from a burning building. - I'm contemplating starting the fire.
20. Mexico, Australia, China, Japan, India.
21. The whole love/settle down thing.
22. Drop a Watermelon from a tall building to watch it splat.
23. Meet the Queen/King of Britain.
24. Get fluent in a foreign language. - Possibly German, since it would be a shame to waste Frau Green's five years of teaching, although I did only get an E in it. Yeah, fuck German. Spanish is sexier. Perhaps I'll learn that. My school only ever let the special needs kids do it, so it 's easier too.
Hmmm, some of this list looks a bit pricey. Hurrah for my disposable gay income!
Stuff I'm lucky enough to already of done: fly over the Grand Canyon; Disney World; had something pierced; karaoke; drunk myself sick; done the "sights" in London, Paris, America; other stuff that I'm glad I've done but can't remember right now.
This list does all seem a bit wanky, but write your own and it'll probably be just as so. Unless you're Gareth Of The Future reading this (and you haven't died or blogger hasn't fucked up and lost all the old posts), in which case you already have a list and YOU'D BETTER BE WORKING ON IT.
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