This is a rather fabulous site which you feed a photo of your face into, so it can have a bit of a chew and spit out which celebrities you look just like.
When I say "fabulous", I only mean in theory.
'Coz it thinks i look most like (77%) Hilary Duff.
At least she's not ugly.
Oh wait a second! What's this?
I also look like (66%) Michael Schumacher. The total fucking cheek.
The rest:
- Elijah Wood (65%)
- Jose Carreras (61%) - no idea who he is, but there's a pic and it's bloody insulting.
- Kimi Raikkonen (60%)
- Grace Jones. YES! Grace Jones of all people! (58%) - ?!*$!?
- Mick Jagger (51%)
- Ian Thorpe (49%)
- Orson Welles (48%)
Words fail me.
Being the stupid prick I am I would also like to view this website but in your haste you fail to mention it. Any chance....?
You just don't understand the interweb.
If you click on the word "This" at the very beginning of the first paragraph then you will be transported there.
And don't blame me when it says you look like Marilyn Monroe,Lorraine Kelly or The late Queen Mother.
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