Well that was weird.
Today for the first time since ever, I had a positive experience at the hairdressers.
Me and hairdressers have never really gotten on. It probably doesn't help that I despise my head-mop, but they always make this ten times worse by not listening to my instructions and making me look a brunette dulux dog with alopecia.
Take last time, for example. I went in and asked to simply have my hair thinned a bit, and came out sporting a Charlotte Church style bob.
To stop myself from looking like the voice of an angel, I then went to a different salon and asked the lady to keep the length pretty much the same, but to break up the ends and make it more manly. However, she heard "Yeah, cut a good 4 inches off and make me look like Ellen McArthur", which is just what she did. I went home and cried. And then I wore a cap for a month.
But today, on the spur of the moment, I went in and asked for it to be thinned, with the length keeping the same. AND THE NICE LADY (SENT FROM HEAVEN) DID JUST THAT! And she didn't even bore me with the usual questions of holidays or tell me about her eight kids (naturally named after soap opera characters). I could have kissed her. Well I could have tipped her, which I would have done if I'd worked out where to put it.
She did such a good job that nobody even realised I'd had a haircut :(
P.S. While waiting for my hairgrope, another hairdresser at the salon caught my eye. She obviously spent lots of time on her appearance, since she was caked in make-up and had dyed blonde hair... yet she had a moustache. And I mean a proper one, visible from a good 10 metres away (and possibly outer-space). If you were a preened lady with a tash, you'd get rid of it. Surely?
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