Currently loving:
- Muffins (bannoffee, choc orange, and double choc).
- Playgrounds.
- Desperate Housewives (back on form, even without the mystery).
- The kickass Burger King Spongebob "Lost In Time" toys.
- WKD Blue.
- Madbad Harold's secret tormenting of Paul on "Neighbours".
- Birmingham.
- The Mighty Boosh.
- Walking.
- Jake Gyllenhaal.
- Finding amazing songs that I'd never think to download myself on MyTunes.
- The fact that I get 3 weeks at home in 10 days time.
- Tanya Turner, back on Footballers' Wives.
- People, some of the time.
- Some people, all of the time.
Currently hating:
- Essay guilt.
- My constantly messy uni room. The floor is covered in hairs for fuck's sake.
- The imminent end of the wintery weather.
- Lecture guilt.
- Lavender scented Febreze.
- This sudden and uncharacteristic outbreak of big fuckoff spots.
- People, far too much of the time.
- Myself (body and mind), far too much of the time.
- Jeremy Kyle.
- The fact that my ipod is starting to die.
- Wanky, "credible" bands who take themselves too seriously and spunk out mundane dirge.
- My european film course.
- Hidden garlic in food.
And that's that.
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