Just because.
I'm hoping they do come to an end before it all gets out of hand and I end up waking up in a cold sweat after witnessing Janet Street-Porter doing her trick with the ping pong balls.
I then spent a good hour or so looking for our copy of Mr Bump (one of my all time favourites), to no avail. I was nearly crying.
The 4 year old me learnt a helluvva lot from the Mr Men. I'm sure it's symbolic that I never took to the Little Miss series.
Yes, tonight sees the return of one of last year's greatest shows - Doctor Who. I am very excited.
This series will be even better than the last one, I can feel it in my waters. That and the fact I've been watching the red button previews enough times to qualify me for geek status. A lot of this series' greatness will be because of the new Doctor, who's not as gormlessly happy, northern or "a bit crappy" as the last one(who I'd say was the most annoying character in series 1, if it wasn't for the absofuckinlutely awful Mickey*). David Tennant would also definitely get a dicking, which certainly doesn't harm things.
Tonight's eppy sees Lady Cassandra back, and a race of evil cat-nuns. Smashing.
*As Mickey happens to be black, I should point out that I'm not a racist - some of my best friends know black people.
A lovely little corner of internet.
A lovely little corner of internet.