Once upon a time there was a god. His name was Noel Edmonds. He lived in a big house and every Saturday night he'd have a great big massive fuck off party. It was great. There was lots of gunge and every now and then the door bell would ring and it'd be someone from The Bill, or Barbara Windsor. This was all shown on TV and everyone was happy. Until some Beebcunt decided to axe it.
Then there were wilderness years, where Saturday nights were filled with darkness (or actually going out) until:
Yes, tonight sees the return of one of last year's greatest shows - Doctor Who. I am very excited.
This series will be even better than the last one, I can feel it in my waters. That and the fact I've been watching the red button previews enough times to qualify me for geek status. A lot of this series' greatness will be because of the new Doctor, who's not as gormlessly happy, northern or "a bit crappy" as the last one(who I'd say was the most annoying character in series 1, if it wasn't for the absofuckinlutely awful Mickey*). David Tennant would also definitely get a dicking, which certainly doesn't harm things.
Tonight's eppy sees Lady Cassandra back, and a race of evil cat-nuns. Smashing.
*As Mickey happens to be black, I should point out that I'm not a racist - some of my best friends know black people.
Got some good shots of the Pipers breasts tonight, thank god that Cassandra was such a slut.
You preferred the Piper's funbags to David Tennant in his emo glasses?
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