I'm about 4.
This is evident in my reading patterns, with my magazines of choice mainly being Doctor Who Adventures and whichever poprag has Girls Aloud on the front. I also came out of Waterstones the other day clutching a fresh copy of Mr Bump (coz we never found our original copy) and a Charlie & Lola sticker book, which just so happens to be my favouritest programme of the moment.
Of course this can all be attributed to an interest in childrens things (most definitely not in the aging-rockstar-panting-at-a-computer-screen sense) since they're so much cooler, simpler, funnier and generally happier than the stuff for my age group. Perhaps there's also some retardation of my mind that has stopped it progressing in some areas since reception, a bit like Michael Jackson. But again, to reiterate, I AM NOT A NONSE.
More worryingly, it has come to my attention that I'm a proper wimp. Take last night for instance. There's a programme called Supernatural, about some ridiculously fit brothers, who it's still nice to think are going at it, driving around America in an old car fighting various demons and generally scary fuckers. Despite being brilliantly-pap, I've only ever watched it twice due to its awkward scheduling. Both times however it has scared me shitless.
Last night it was about some sort of evil Doctor-witch-demon who comes through your window at night and feeds on you. As a result I had about two hours less sleep, lying in my room with a lamp on, curled up in a phoetal position so nothing could get to me. Plus when I was watching it I had to turn a light on and keep looking behind me at 30 second intervals. The same thing happened when I saw an eppy a month or so back, along with whenever I watch Crimewatch. Or when I read Voldemort-heavy chapters of Harry Potter. This isn't normal, right?
I suppose it's another reason why I should stick to pre-school shows. I'm sure it's irresponsible broadcasting though. If the TV studios are ganna keep unleashing evil threats into my paranoid mind, they could at least send the aforementioned brothers round with their big guns to protect me.
Being scared of the dark + evil images is normal.
My two worst fears that have kept me awake are the Master off of Buffy with a Scream face on (as if his face wasn't hideous to start with) and a scene of Anya in Buffy laughing wildly with a knife.
You'd have thought I'd have stopped watching the evil show (that forces me to close my eyes so tight they hurt just to get some shut eye) but the only thing that stopped me was it actually being stopped.
Now, you've gone and reminded me of them both. Wish me luck on getting sleep for the next few months. :(
Of course I say that, but you liking Buffy is probably no different to my Doctor Who love. It's just that all the embarassingly loser kids at school loved it, so I never gave it a chance. Obviously I was still a loser, but not as bad as them. In my mind.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets scared of the dark because of television though. Talking of Scream (kinda), I also won't answer the phone if I'm alone in the house at night time, just incase it's him.
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