Over twenty Hampshire residents have woken up over the past few weeks to find all four of their car's tyres slashed. Placed on each person's windscreen was a note saying "Warning. You have been seen driving while using your mobile phone."
What a dude! Yes, the actions are a teensy bit drastic, but people who use their phones whilst driving are selfish cunts and needed taking down a peg or two before they turn innocents into puree. I'd quite like to be his sidekick, and help the fight whilst wearing a nice cape.
Thank fuck i dont live in hampshire...altho i am apparently going to live on the island of white folk soon, and i think that is considered hampshire. The best real life/wannabe superhero i've ever saw tho is angle grinder man. He runs around with an angle grinder (if thats even possible seen as how heavy them bleeding things are) and he chops of wheel clamps for you. He even has a "hotline" number to call and he doesnt charge. Shame there aren't more of these courageous, pioneering, unemployed, dole ridden, too much time on their hands, working class heroes out there for us to look up to.
Perhaps me and you could form some kind of super hero crew, like mystery men, because i've always had a thing for lycra and masks...
You think of something we could help people from and come back to me.
God Bless
You use your phone whilst driving, Daniel? FOR SHAME.
You're more arch-enemy than superhero-partner material then. ALTHOUGH I get really pissed off by people who don't signal when they're leaving roundabouts, so I keep waiting at the roundabout entrance longer than I have to, because I didn't think they were leaving at exit just before me. Does that make sense? We should follow them home and slash their faces/tyres.
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