EDIT:I'm not going to sleep anymore. Sleep is for the weak. And fairytale characters.
EDIT.2:I'm ganna rearrange my room.
EDIT.3: I can hear either a car alarm, or a large cricket.
EDIT.4: I've narrowed it down to a large cricket, because it keeps changing volume.
GOOD MORNING! Sounds like you suffer from early morning mania like me. Nothing like blogging at an ungodly hour.
Once a month or so, yeah! But it's nice in a while to feel like you're the only one in the world. Once my flat mates stop going to the toilet, anyway.
By rights I should have slept for hours! I've had two late nights and earlyish mornings. I bet it was all those waffles drenched in Tommy K that I binged on throughout yesterday. They should specify that a "serving" isn't the box of twelve.
What is Tommy K? Sounds fascinating. I am hungover so I have eaten 5 slices of pizza.
Tomato Ketchup of course! Though it's a really nerdy way of saying it, so you're probably too cool to know.
Were they cold pizza slices? Hang over cures should always be cold (as well as stodgy and savoury). Though saying that, the Waffles were a hang over cure and they were warm.
Gawd, I need to stop eating and drinking so much.
I am trying to work out why you would put tomato sauce on waffles, is that common? Maybe I will try it. I could eat for the world today.
The pizza started off hot but I have been chipping away at it all day so that last 3 slices were cold. And yuuuummy.
I fucking hate crickets. Noisy little fuckers.
Oh they were potato waffles! Not those goddawful sweet ones. Well, they're probably quite nice but I still associate them with that time one made me ill when I was on holiday in Bruge.
Have you seen that SKY ad, where the penguins walk on ice then fall into a hole? Everyone knows its about to happen but they still laugh. Penguins are so laughable.
Talking of animals. I was watching this monkey program presented by the one and only Attenborough and it was MONKEY PORN! We actually watched monkeys doing it! And how some would sneak of to do it with different heirarchy and how babboons' ass' go bright pink when they want some. It was HILARIOUS.
I'm not sure why I'm telling you though.
Ah well.
Good to see you blog again.
I just want to give that penguin a hug, the poor little mite.
And we saw monkeys doing it in the flesh! At Borth Animalarium - the best place in Wales. They can't call it a Zoo, because Zoos have more inspections and cage size restrictions. I can dig you out a picture of the glorious event if you like? You seem to be into that sort of thing...
Monkey sex? Oooerr! YAY! :D
I'll dig it out.
I just read this bit:
"You seem to be into that sort of thing..."
Whats that supposed to mean? Hmm?
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