You know when they find a cure for cancer? And the world'll unite in happiness and people will be telling strangers in the street and there'll generally be lots of hugging?
Well I'm starting to doubt that such jubilation will occur now, since today something just as good occurred, and not once has a stranger hugged me.
GIRLS ALOUD have covered
Let's have a look at the Maths:
This = Really Rather Brilliant
... because it's one of the best songs of the 80's covered by the best group of the 00's.
And you can't argue with that, because it's maths. I just hope that Girls Aloud aren't going to do anything to hurt the song (such as having Nadine sing it all), in revenge for the less than kind way in which Tiff treated Love Machine on that goddawful music show a few years back:
Tiffany actually lives in my neck of the woods. I'm praying that one day she stands as local MP.
That was shocking, but it was worth watching to see Vernon again.
I used to work at the Walkabout in Covent Garden and I found "I think we're alone now" on our computer, we would play it every night!
Covent Carden is bewdiful. Well it was the two times I've been.
Did you hate Walkabout? Because all the Aussies who I've spoken to who've worked there (again, two) did. And EVERYTHING happens in threes.
I fucking loathed it! There were good times (Like singing along to Tiff and some of the staff) but there were a lot of bad times (watching a big, boofy guy punch a girl in the face and watching my colleague drink all the beer out of the drip trays and then throw up in a pint glass while serving customers)
So yes, EVERYTHING does happen in threes!
Tiffany for Prime Minister. On the back of The Amazing Mrs Pritchard, if she teamed uo with Jane Horrocks and Geraldine McEwan, she'd be a shoo-in.
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