Hello and welcome to the brand new Candyland. Goodness me, what an impressive fireworks display.
But what exactly is new about the place?
Well, I'll tell you that for free:
- The name! It's three words shorter! This means that it is both easier to say and write - valuable traits should you ever need to name the place whilst breathing your final breath before death.
- The colour scheme! It's all blue! As well as looking a bit different, this is also a clever metaphor about The War In Iraq.
- That's it! Fuck all else has changed! Oh contraire - there are plenty of other, very subtle changes that have taken place. So subtle in fact, that they can not be seen by humans. However, there is now a chance to keep up to date with what is brilliant and what is shit, thanks to the new "Candyloves" and "Candyhates" sections on the
rightleft. This is a definitive guide and may even be updated before the next World Cup. As promised, there will also be actual blog entries, along with new features. Tomorrow there will even be a public vote.
So without any further ado, let's get this place open and have a look around. Celebrities were promised and celebrities we have got. After some serious string-pulling, along with the brutal hi-jacking of a minibus on the way to a Liverpool Day Care Centre, please welcome the Grandmothers of Atomic Kitten:

I'm afraid Candyland has no wheelchair access, so Jenny Frost's Nana is rather fucked.
I'm here 15 minutes early.
Is early the new late?
I think it must be.
With the excepton of AK's Grans...its rather late for them, past there bedtime and lifetime.
Hurrah for them for making it!
I love this shade of blue. And the font. I'm aware this makes me sound geekier than normal...I'll save this message with the following lovely thought (a final thought if you must): In a few years time...GA's Grans could be opening a new-look Candyland. :O
Loving the new look Candyland, Gareth. It's so hot right now.
What's Blogger beta like??
Girls Aloud's grans would be too much for me to handle. I'd probably get sent to prison for strapping them down and putting tin foil costumes on, before forcing them to perform No Good Advice.
Blogger Beta is quite lovely, it's easier to fiddle with the look of the page, there are new features, and so far I'm yet to suffer any of that "now publishing" nonsense. I'd reccommend it.
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