Something TERRIBLE has happened! My I-Pod has died.
My beautiful, shiny, magical ipod (aka MY BEST FRIEND) keeps demanding to be "reprogrammed" over and over again, and won't play any music. It's still under guarantee, but it'll be aaggggees until they fix it.
I've become so dependent on having one these past three years, that the next few weeks of my life may be the darkest on record.
And those kids on the Oxfam advert think that they have problems.
EDIT: Yesterday I did still walk to a lecture wearing it though, so I could still get away with looking a bit spaced out as I walk between campuses, along with having an excuse not to have to talk to anyone I didn't want.
I keep forgetting to charge my Ipod, the trips to work seem much less cooler than the ones where I am listening to "Nights On Broadway" by the Bee Gees.
You have my utmost sympathy
People who forget to charge their ipods, don't deserve to have ipods. I rank it the same as forgetting to feed a baby.
It's always the good ipod parents who end up childless, isn't it.
"having an excuse not to have to talk to anyone I didn't want"
That is SO the best reason to listening to music. Bar the actual music.
Don't you just hate the people that DON'T get the ruddy hint?
Also, that picture of charlie is rather cute. I've been wanting to say it for a while. He looks so dumbfound. Awww. I'd love to meet a human version of him. Aww.
For shame. They hae totally different hair, and Marv looks more like a cartoon me.
Wow, someone is a little snappy when childless yes?
I can't believe I got that wrong.
*hangs head in shame*
I think I meant Marv...blame the crap water and lack of sleep...I'm also getting myself off proplus, which isn't the best idea when you've got an exam in 5 days...
Good luck Uma!!! I hope you don't fail terribly and have to drop out of uni and live in the doorway of Superdrug.
This sounds so cliche, but: THANKS! I NEED ALL THE LUCK I CAN GET!
Its so true, its unbelievable and slighty ...meh, I haven't got it in me to finish that sentence with something creative...do it for me...
my ipod got fucked too, altho sum how i got over it and no longer miss it, be brave my friend. walking around campus with ur mobile wedged between ur thumbs and ur head down has the same effect and u dont hav 2 talk 2 people, altho it makes bumping into obstacles and people more likely (also watch for dog shit). U culd go for the classic method of wearing a top hat and holding a cane and talking to urself, in fatc thats probably the best idea. I reckon top hats are gonna be big news on the catwalks next year as an update to the pork pie hat...be cool...
DannyBoy! That suggestion made me laugh a helluva lot. I want a Penny Farthing so much.
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