Some people should have their fingers snapped off, so they can't vote in online polls.
It just so happens that the other day I was up a mountain, when a strike of lightning zapped two big tablets of stone onto the ground in front of me. This is what was engraved on them:
The Ten Most Bestest Films Evah By Me, God
1. SpiceWorld: The Movie
- I really liked this film because it woz really clever and funny, although I didn't much like the bits with Mel C in dem. My best bit woz when they met the aliens, and also when the boy woz in the coma but woke up to have a look at Ginger's baps. The songs were really good and I wish that all the old people/ugly people/closet gays that go to church each week would sing them at me instead. WANNABE > THINE BE THE GLORY 4evah lolzzz
2. Mean Girls
- This was proppa brilliant, although the ending when everyone was nice to each other was both silly and dull. It was nice to see Lindsay Lohan b4 she began eating paper insted of food.
3. The Godfather Trilogy
- This is three films but fuck you in the face becuz I am God so they can be counted as one. Although only the first two are good but I don't know the word for two films and pair dont sound right.
4. Pirates Of The Caribbean
- This film is mint and I think I'll watch it later after I've had my nuggets and ribena. Then I think I'll kill Jerry Bruckheimer and send him 2 hell for making the second one which was well gash.
5. Disney's Robin Hood
- I liked this film soooo much that the other week I built a planet that is just like earth but all the animals talk and wear clothes and live in olden times.
6. Mrs 'Arris Goes To Paris
- I ent actually seen dis, but the title is well bitchin' and my mum Angela Lansbury is in it. Boo yah.
7. Fight Club
- Now dis iz wot I call a film. I like the twisty ending and when Brad Pitt is shirtless whilst wearin low trousers. Also it is funnee when Meatloaf has titties.
8. Titanic
- I only sunk the Titanic so dat dis film could be made about it.
9. Moulin Rouge
- Ah wow, now dis is wot you call a musical. I fink I may also build a planet lyke earth but where everyone is a singing prozzy or a singing author or a singing midget.
10. The Austin Powers Trilogy
- These were all good and as funny as each other. Frau Farbissinar is the funnyest and the fittest is Liz Hurley. I dressed as Austin Powers for Mother Nature's fancy dress birthday party a few years back. I was well cooler than Satan who went as Madonna in the Hung Up video.
God has rather brilliant taste in films, and I think that him putting Spiceworld at number 1 cancels out what 10 000 computer nerds who probably haven't even seen it think. Smashing.
Well, apparently I have bad taste, what with me loving Spiceworld: The Movie, Crossroads AND Glitter.
At least Showgirls was not mentioned, that would have been devastational.
Out of those I've only seen Spiceworld, but Glitter is definitely on my to see list.
Showgirls is always shown in clip shows, and they always show the very harrowing sight of Kyle Maclachlan and Jesse having it off in the pool, with her writhing around like a dolphin. Gruesome.
Showgirls was actually oddly accurate as dolphins pleasure themselves by rubbing themselves against the side of swimming pools. That's right, I've got that fancy book-learnin' you've been hearing about.
We used to call that the "washing machine" scene.
the doggy chow conversation is quite amusing too.
I FINALLY got round to watching Moulin Rouge last night (I know! I'm so 90s!), and I actually LOVE IT! I'M ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH A FILM! More over...I'm deeeeeeeeeply in love with Ewan McGregor! And more more more over...I'm even more in love with Ms. Kidman! :O
You can stamp out those lesbian urges right now young lady.
I can't believe you only just saw MR! Although I haven't seen Romeo & Juliet yet, so I'm as bad I feel. We bought it in Morrisons t'other night though. It was only a fiver. Bargainicious,
:O You oh-so aware that Leo is like my favouritist actor ever ever in the whole widest worldest ever! It helps that hes hot. I'm sure God'd agree with that one.
(I believe I've just reinstated my straightness. Done.)
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