- I am very excited about the next Harry Potter book. I do not like walking past Smiths anymore, because the windows are plastered with posters telling us to pre-order it. I firstly do not understand why anybody would ever need to pre-order something that there'll be no shortage of whatsoever, and secondly the posters remind me about both the book itself and the fact that I'll have to wait until August 21st to read it.
- My throat hurts. It feels like I've swallowed a brillo pad. I haven't. My head hurts too and I've just started sneezing. Perhaps it's that bird flu that's in vogue right now.
- There is officially nothing left in Aberystwyth to do.
- The Caramel Apple Pie Ice Cream Sunday now at McDonalds is probably the best invention ever. At least since the I-Pod. It is basically a cup filled with ice-cream and caramel sauce, with an apple pie rammed into it.
- I only have 5 hours of lectures a week this semester. And two hours of that is watching a film, with a further 2 hours being all tense in a television studio, because the lady in charge apparently shouts a lot if we fuck up.
- I have fallen out of love with Neighbours. Mostly because I didn't watch over the christmas period, only to resume and find 15 new characters. Seriously, I didn't recognise anybody for the first 10 minutes of the episode.
- To fill the Ramsay Street shaped void, I am now addicted to Prison Break after getting my grabbers on the series one boxset. It is "more addictive than crack flavoured pringles", to quote every unoriginal bastard who heard that phrase and thought "I'm having that". It is quite a silly phrase really, because I'm sure it's more the chemicals in crack that make it so moreish. Does it even have a flavour? Or do you inject it? I'm not edgy and exciting enough to know about drugs, sorry. Anyway! Prison Break! God it's brilliant - there are so many twists and clever bits. Plus it makes me feel dead manly. I often find myself wanting to kick someone's face in after watching it.
- Roughly ALL of this past week has been spent with three other lovely people shooting a 10 minute short film for our course. It is a tale of stalking and dog killing and hallucenogenic-spiked milk. It is basically a load of old shit.
- Has everyone heard the new
Avril Lavigne song? It is quite a joy to listen to once, but any repeat listens make it marginally less welcome than hearing your parents having sex in the next room.
- I am quite annoyed that I didn't bother with tickets for the next Girls Aloud tour, because it will apparently feature a Spice Girls medley (!!!) and Rogue Traders as a support act (!!!).