I've gone a bit Smeeta Smitten (Showbiz Kitten) as of late. The A-List stars are practically queuing up to walk past me and be in the same place as I am. And we're not talking about small fry soap stars, little known singers, ailing comedians and local weathermen here, we're talking proper A-list.
A few months back, I was at Crewe Station and none other than Charlie from Corrie walked past me. I very rarely see famous folk, so I wasn't too sure whether it was him or not, even though he had the exact same face and body. A text from a northern friend telling me that Crewe is in fact Up North confirmed that if definitely probably was him.

THEN! A few weeks later I was at another train station (Wolverhampton - what a shit tip!)
when none other than Carl Barat from The Libertines was standing on the platform opposite me. He was wearing a pretensious white trench coat type thing, and generally looking like a tit. I was staring very hard at his general face area once I recognised him, and got a filthy look back.
Then, YES! THERE'S MORE A-LIST SPOTTING! We were at a big charity (i.e. "a bit rubbish" but it's for sick kiddies so you can't moan) Christmas Party at the NEC in Birmingham, when I got to use the same toilet at the same time as the none-fit one from X-Factor runners up Journey South. By 'same toilet' I mean 'the same room filled with toilets and urinals', not the actual same toilet. That'd be a right old mess.

I am sorry if you have been blinded by the light shining from all the stars mentioned so far, but put on some extra thick sunglasses, because there are two more MASSIVE names to come.
One of these is Jasper Carrot, who we saw a few weeks back in a restaraunt in town. I don't know whether anywhere else knows who Jasper is, but he's pretty much the King of Birmingham. So much so that virtually everyone in the city has seen him a good 5 times. He was also at the aforementioned Christmas party, and I once went to see A Christmas Carol with my school and he was sat a few rows behind with his daughter - who may or may not have been the one from The Office and, er, Garfield 2. In fact it could have been a fancy women, but we just assumed it was his daughter.

Finally, last weekend we got to meet one of the biggest Welsh stars of the last few decades. He's up there with Catherine Zeta and Tom Jones. Yes, it's Derek The BBC Weatherman. He was signing a book to accompany his award winning tv show "Weatherman Walking", in which he wears lots of lovely jumpers and walks around Wales charming the elderley.
Derek is a very good weatherman because he gives you ideas about what to do depending on the weather. For instance, "I'm afraid it's going to be rather wet and windy this afternoon, so perhaps stay inside and read a nice book."
Blodwen and Derek:

Gareth and Derek:

I am pulling a really odd face there, and you can tell I was hungover. Therefore I'm rather worried about the fact that somebody who we didn't know took a picture of me meeting Derek. I just hope it was someone thinking that it was Derek the Weatherman meeting Charlotte Church or the fat one from Keane, rather than the local newspaper. I'm not going into any paper shops for a while, just in case.
A few months back, I was at Crewe Station and none other than Charlie from Corrie walked past me. I very rarely see famous folk, so I wasn't too sure whether it was him or not, even though he had the exact same face and body. A text from a northern friend telling me that Crewe is in fact Up North confirmed that if definitely probably was him.

THEN! A few weeks later I was at another train station (Wolverhampton - what a shit tip!)
when none other than Carl Barat from The Libertines was standing on the platform opposite me. He was wearing a pretensious white trench coat type thing, and generally looking like a tit. I was staring very hard at his general face area once I recognised him, and got a filthy look back.

I am sorry if you have been blinded by the light shining from all the stars mentioned so far, but put on some extra thick sunglasses, because there are two more MASSIVE names to come.
One of these is Jasper Carrot, who we saw a few weeks back in a restaraunt in town. I don't know whether anywhere else knows who Jasper is, but he's pretty much the King of Birmingham. So much so that virtually everyone in the city has seen him a good 5 times. He was also at the aforementioned Christmas party, and I once went to see A Christmas Carol with my school and he was sat a few rows behind with his daughter - who may or may not have been the one from The Office and, er, Garfield 2. In fact it could have been a fancy women, but we just assumed it was his daughter.

Finally, last weekend we got to meet one of the biggest Welsh stars of the last few decades. He's up there with Catherine Zeta and Tom Jones. Yes, it's Derek The BBC Weatherman. He was signing a book to accompany his award winning tv show "Weatherman Walking", in which he wears lots of lovely jumpers and walks around Wales charming the elderley.
Derek is a very good weatherman because he gives you ideas about what to do depending on the weather. For instance, "I'm afraid it's going to be rather wet and windy this afternoon, so perhaps stay inside and read a nice book."
Blodwen and Derek:
Gareth and Derek:
I am pulling a really odd face there, and you can tell I was hungover. Therefore I'm rather worried about the fact that somebody who we didn't know took a picture of me meeting Derek. I just hope it was someone thinking that it was Derek the Weatherman meeting Charlotte Church or the fat one from Keane, rather than the local newspaper. I'm not going into any paper shops for a while, just in case.
Oh bless, you look so cute, I could keep you as my pocket gay perhaps? Bring you out on special occasions and for a glass of sustaining wine.
Derek sounds lovely and I knew who Jasper Carrot is, only because he is Dawn from The Office's Dad.
Jasper Carrott is a legend. He was a guest speaker at my sister's graduation ceromony two years ago and, to be honest, he's the only reason I went.
The Carrott! Class, I miss his sitting on stool show. But the bigger flashback was Smeeta Smitten (Showbiz Kitten), even though you didn't actually meet her. Still made me chuckle.
The TV makes Derek look bigger than...or the picture makes you look big.
Cor, you are a star magnet!
I can't believe Jasper Carrott is so well known. We should send him touring to other parts of the world, although I doubt he needs to because he owns (or owned) the makers of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and has made shedloads from it.
Uma... you've seen Derek? They show him outside of wales then?! He's tiny in real life, shorter and thinner than the tv camera makes him look. He didn't like me very much, I think he thought I was being an 'ironic student' type, and taking the piss out of him. I wasn't :(
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