Sunday, September 17, 2006

You're both as bad as each other.

So his holiness says something about Muslims being "evil and inhuman", and certain Muslims start burning effigies of the pope* and demanding his assasination. Yeah, that proves him wrong.

Goodness me, what a load of fools. Religion really is a terrible thing in the wrong hands.

Pope Benny - Just go back to slagging off the gays. We know you're a mental and really couldn't give a flying fuck.

Certain Muslims - Chillax, yeah? I've not read the Qu'ran, but I'm assured that it's much more peaceful than you're making out.


*I should totally rename this place that.

1 comment:

LaLa said...

I must say it astounds me how passionate people get about organised religion. I believe that here is a greater power and that whatever you believe in is correct, we just call her/him by different names and she/he takes on different shapes.

Everyone needs to calm down, as my Mum used to say "Sticks and Stones..." or her other favourite is "Don't lower yourself".