My exams are over!
Well, exam, but it was fuckin hard.
I had to write for 45 minutes on "white effect" and "shutter speed", which wasn't especially easy as my 3 minutes of revising and lack of attention in leccies equipped me with about a sentence of info on the two of 'em. Luckily I can out bullshit a curry-loving bull in times of pressure.
Then I had to storyboard this bloody annoying script about a girl and a squirrel sitting an exam. I can't draw. And it made me hate squirrels.
All this was made more difficult by me forgetting how to write (I haven't actually written anything since my A2's last May).
But everything is right with my world once more, and I now have nothing to do for nearly a fortnight. WOOT.
Have a gift of celebration. It's the Kylie Minogue comeback single.
(Well it fuckin' should be.)
Woop! At least it's over. Exams are supposed to make you fucked in the head and make you question your existence, so well done on that. And it's only the first term, hardly counts for anything. I'm sure you didn't do as bad as me (got my results yesterday...did crap).
This is so the best sentence of the year: "Luckily I can out bullshit a curry-loving bull in times of pressure". Sure it's only the beginning of January, but still. Fucking awesome.
Sheila's wheels sponsors Charmed. Another reason to watch such splendidness.
Just heard about the Bishops dying in neighbours. How fucked up is that?
You say so much good stuff Miss Uma.
1) You didn't do crap in your exams. Well actually, you might of as I know nothing about your results, but it's what i thought i should say.
2) I've never watched Charmed. Is it really really good? And aren't the recent seasons a bit shit?
I watch too much TV anyway.
3) You've only JUST heard of the Bishop's demise???!! Your finger's hardly on the pulse is it?
It's not bad news, as David and (particularly) Serena are shit. Liljiana used to be good but now I don't care about her, so all in all they're the best 3 to die.
And it's not like they're killing Harold is it? That would be terrible - I still haven't even got over the end of Madge (i cried so much!).
Well you're a bit of bitch, aren't ya?
1) It was nice of you to say. Infact quite rare to get a good comment out of you, so thanks. But yeah, did crap...just about passed. Which figures cos I hardly revised.
2) Yeah, it's getting weird, but weird is good, well no it isn't, but it is this time.
3) David is fantastic! Hilarious! Who else could get away with having their double-act-partner as their Dad? Fabulous!
But passing is all that matters in the first year!!
Or is it different at Umaversity?
David could not be less fabulous. I hated him so much last week when he gave the lottery money to the Salvy Army.
If you want fabulous, you need look no further than Izzy. She is amazing.
'Umaversity'. fuckin hilarious, lmao, gud job u wasnt talking to me because wouldnt work with my name....
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