Shopping in Aberystwyth can be summed up in one word - Woolworths.
But this is no bad thing, because this week on numerous we've-got-nothing-better-to-do-so-we-might-as-well-go-into-town-as-there's -no-way-we're-doing-revision jaunts I've picked up the following kickass CD's from the Woolies winter sale bargain bin, all for about four pence:
Busted's 2nd Album - which is simply brilliant, and hammers home how shitiful McFly's second album really is. I miss Busted, and regret not loving them when they were still around. It's been a year and three days since "Black Friday". Sob.
Robbie "Not Gay" Williams' Greatest Hits - Yes he's a cunt, but he has marvellous lyrics and his ballads make me mushy. 'Cept Angels. Angels is a bit wank.
Britney's Greatest Hits - They rock. Nuff said. Although I will say that I hope when she comes back she has something amazing to mime and is out of this current trailer trash phase. I have no wish to see Velour-clad dancers and a baby stroller at the side of the stage.
Disney Love Songs - I sorta regret buying this, BUT it does contain "A Whole New World", so it keeps me satisfied 'til Jordan and Peter release their superior cover version. WHICH THEY ARE DEFINITELY DOING!!!
Kylie's "Fever" - Which could actually be my favouritest album ever. She's like Madonna., without the evil.
So if you don't mind fighting your way through scores of hatchet faced mothers shouting bitterly at the tearaway children they resent giving birth to, pop down to your local Woollies whilst the sale's still on.
I can vouch for Robbies Greatest hits (altho 'something beautiful' is missing), and i also ashamedly hav disney cd too. Regards to ur writing in previous blogs, i havent written since june and hav a 3 hour law exam thursday, and i hav a 600 page law book to read, of which I hav just finished reading the cover...
*weeps* Ahhh...Busted. Yeah their second album is so much better than McFly's 2nd attempt, which surely means they won't have the same end. *weeps some more*
Wow, you're taste really can't get any gay-er. Peter Andre totally ruined "A Whole New World", Jordan should've sung it all.
Ha ha, Britters.
*weeps even more*
That picture makes her look far better than any of the recent papararmy shots...
These cds may be good and the Britney will be stolen and copied of you. However they all pale in comparision to my purchase of the first Audiobullys album and my Beastie Boys purchases.
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