I do wish that the major parties would get their acts together though. As seen in this past week's local elections, folk seem to be turning away from them and voting for alternatives. This is fine in order to teach them a lesson, and it's nice to give the political underdogs a chance to voice, but certainly not when it means more votes and more power for the fucking BNP.
What type of hateful and narrow minded bastard must you be to put a cross by the name of a party which discriminates against whole groups of society, based on skin colour, and wants to keep Britain just for "British" people?
You don't have to be the devil incarnate to vote for them, just fucking stupid in order to be seduced by their propoganda. We had one of their leaflets through our door last year, on behalf of their bigotted bored housewife representative, Michaela McKenzie. Well I think that was her name - "Hitler in slingbacks" would have been more apt. They managed to put quite a positive spin on their policies, even though it did still all boil down to "we don't like change and people different to ourselves" and "send the buggers back".
Sadly I can see more simple minded voters driven into the scabby arms of the British Nazi Party by the mistakes of Labour at least. Tony Blair has just had another reschuffle, which is fucking stupid to say the least. Won't giving ministers new, unfamiliar jobs increase the likelihood of more mistakes (such as Charles Clarke and the non-deported criminals) being made?
Who did you vote for?
I didn't, which is bloody annoying as it's my first election since I turned 18. They weren't having them in Wales, nor at home it turns out. I may not have registered in time though, if that's what you have to do, coz I only found out about the elections on the day itself.
Did you vote? ANd who for?
(Even though i was always told it is rude to ask such things.)
Its only rude to ask a lady's age.
Seeing as I'm a politics freak (remmeber the all nighter of a party?) I was all excited.
The Green Party were campagning their arses off, and seeing as I'm also a green freak (colour & grass) I was all for them.
I get to my voting booth and THEY WEREN'T BLOODY THERE! I was under pressure cos all the oldies with no lives were tutting at me and rolling their eyes (probably wishing they were as young as me & didn't spend all their whole life waiting for people to vote), and seeing as I had three votes (I wasn't cheating...I don't think) I voted all three Lib Dems.
Five seconds later I wished I voted Toryish...good thing they won in the end anyway.
Nice to see my vote counts. In my head that is.
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