Yes yes, moan moan moan...
But I'm bloody sick of it. Mainly because I'm such a thoroughly anti-social bastard, granted, but it's not just the fact that it involves having to talk to other people that irks me so.
Firstly, what's wrong with just using your name as your MSN name?
"Clever"/"hilarious" quotes that wouldn't look out of place on a scally-boy's t-shirt, or a menopausal's fridge magnet, just make you look like a tit. Worse still are the song lyrics, which are often mispelled and filled with the wrong punctuation. And there are the folk who like to show off what a fun filled and popular existence they have by having messages adressed to other people WHO THEY COULD JUST TALK TO as their name - OMG Melly mad night last nite! Remember when we fell over?! We gotta do it again sumtime!". Oh yeah! I almost forgot the folk with the " I (L) so and so". Dick heads. Each and every one of them.
Another MSN annoyance is all the small talk that has to start off every convo. It's a pain in the nips when it occurs in real life conversation, but on MSN it takes thirty times longer for the initial "hey"s and both parties to ask how the other person is and what they've been up to, despite not actually giving the slightest toss. There are even some people who will start a convo with me, only to not bother typing any more once this point has been passed.
If the conversation does manage to progress, the chances are that it'll be littered with so many smilies (the sign of a person too limited to express themselves with words), one word answers and abbreviations, that I'll soon get the urge to rip out my own intestines and hang myself with them. Or just log 0ff / block the person. One of these options anyway.
On the abbreviation front, "lol" is easily the most annoying thing since that Jordan and Peter documentary that was on the other week. How many lol-ers are laughing out loud when they type it? None of them! Some people type it more than "a" or "the", yet it's not like they're having a tea party on the ceiling with Mary Poppins and the gang. Grrr.
There are lot's off other annoyances worth mentioning, but I've been typing for too long and it's sunny outside. Don't get me wrong, I doubt I could live without MSN for more than a few days (another point I find particularly annoying), and there are some people I love talking to. It's just that I'd rather do it in person or cut out all the annoying stuff that MSN brings. Maybe I'll have a deleting spree, and just hope the deleted don't notice.
P.S. My, aren't I a seething bundle of grump today?
Cos I live for Gareth's approval, I'll ask the following question:
Is the screename: "Retard" annoying?
I know I should get a life & a real-life hero (do you really exist?).
But I used to have "Uma" or a smilie, cos I found it quite hilarious that "the smilies says:".
Again, I should get a life.
Oh and both the smilie and "Uma" were too short. And short things annoy me. And seeing as I've been calling myself a retard for the past month or so (I love myself really) I use Retard.
Ooo...after typing all that I guess I'll carry on using "Retard" regardless of your approval (yet inside, I know I'll change it if you disapprove).
Oh I do love to type.
I absolutely agree with everything you just said. I sometimes like to burst into conversation, then half an hour later when the conversation has gone dry a "so, how are you?" will pop up. And thats when it completely dies.
Everything I just typed is so pointless. Ah well. Sos life. *turns into "one of them"*
Farewell G x
Get help Uma, for all our sakes.
Hmmm, I think just "Retard" is ok, coz it's quite minimalistic and not too annoying. Just Uma would be soo much better though... And it's not short, it's minimalist.
I don't have you on Em Es En! I feel like I should ask for your addy, because it's rude to discuss the subject, realise we aren't on each other's friend list, and then not. So could you please find an excuse not to give me it?
Cheers, U. You're "a doll".
(I should make it clear that I only don't want your addy coz MSN is such a cunt and I'm always shit on it. Please don't take it as a personal slur.)
I do need help.
But its way cooler to be all "cool" and say I need help than rather see someone about it.
Oh, a bluebird has just given birth to, not one...not two...but THREE eggs! As you can tell, we must talk about this further...here's my MSN: funky_lemon@msn
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