And COMING SOON: actual content!
Yes, introducing two new and exciting regular features - Room 101 and Sacred Human Relics. The former will (quite obviously) be rants regarding things that are shite and need getting rid of forever, and the latter will be semi-gushing praise of people who have made the world a better place. Please note that the criteria for this prestigious accolade will be far more "Heat magazine" than "Nobel prize". Mother Theresa shall not be rearing her wrinkly, tooth filled head.
Now of course these are being drafted in because I have nothing else to write about, and I don't want to shut up shop or turn this into a "today I went into town and went shopping and met up with Lucinda and we went to Starbucks" type blog, because that would be dull as fuck.
Collect them all.
P.S. I'm not really running out of things to say, but the rules of autism like similar posts to be organised together.
P.P.S. I don't actually have a friend called Lucinda. It is ever such a lovely name though, so I'm very much in the market for one.
Happy 100th Post. I've only read 4 so far, but that is because I have the attention span of a stapler.
You can borrow my cousin Lucinda any time you want.
I'd be willing to do a cousin swap. There's a new baby one who'd be easy to post.
Oh Gareth, Gareth, Gareth.
Why can't you clone yourself and come and live with me?
I turned Vegan yesterday (Woop), well where I can anyway. (Meaning no dash of milk in tea and coffee. no cheese or mayo in my subway. no milk chocolate. no greek yogurt. NO CHEESE ON PIZZA OR PASTA! *ahem*) & when I tell people they start an argument, and I'm always in the right, and they say stupid things like "Lions eat vege and meat, are you anti-Lion?" WTF?
So yes, I need a Gareth to be on my side and fight evil.
P.S. Liking the Peta site on the left.
P.P.S. Theres more to me than my eating habits, I assure you.
P.P.P.S Happy 100th Post.
Well done!
I shall now MySpace you (wellinabitcozIhavetogonow)with some Vegan questions.
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