Every few months or so I take a trip down memory lane and turn off into Spice Girls Avenue. This normally involves listening to a few tracks, perhaps Youtubing Spicevideos, and generally remembering how brilliant they were. Then I get all nostalgic for the 90s. Yesterday's bout of Spicemania was triggered by my decision to listen to them when I went jogging. The jogging didn't last long - after 3 minutes I soon remembered that anything faster than a walk leaves me in sharp physical pain, plus I started to worry that the field I was in contained grass snakes - but I kept listening to Spicetunes for most of the afternoon.
Once I had tired of Spice Girls Avenue, I did something I hadn't done in a long while and went down Geri Drive (a cul-de-sac, naturally). Out of all the solo spices, she certainly had the best songs. Songs in fact, that the Spices should have recorded instead of that soulless RnB-lite that plagued the Forever album. Observe:
Ginger's Top 8:
8. Calling
7. Desire
6. Mi Chico Latino
5. Lift Me Up
4. Feels Like Sex
3. Scream If You Wanna Go Faster
2. Look At Me
1. Bag It Up
Look! 8 really good songs! And I only listened to 12, so there could be lots more gems. I don't know why everyone's always slagging her off. Well it's probably because she is quite annoying, though I still like her. Anyway... here comes the spooky thing.
Today, Sunday 6th August, turns out to be Geri's
So happy birthday wonderful Geri! I forgive you for leaving one of the greatest bands and reducing them to utter shite. I hope that George Michael's thrown away a nice big birthday cake for you to tuck into.
I just stumbled across your blog and have only read this post, but how freaking cool was Geri? I even got a Ginger Spice doll for my 21st AND had hair like here. Ah... the noughties.
Thanks for the memories
But, and bless her orange-tinted heart, she can't really sing very well, can she?
I suppose that isn't the point.
Best Spice Girls single has to be Spice Invaders because it's sooooo baaaaad it's good.
That was a b-side was it not? I think I need to repurchase my Spice Collection in cd format.
A geri doll! I am jealous. I had a small inflatable one that I got free with TOTP Magazine, that was pretty cool. Until I stuck a pushpin in her out of curiosity. I'd do the same to the real Geri.
I think the important question here is when did you stick the pin in the Geri doll?
Was it around the same time her career imploded?
Was it, in fact, a voodoo doll??
Ooh good theory. THe nearest it could have been to catastrophe would be her leaving the Spices though. I'm not even going to think about me causing that. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
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