Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fuck me, it's terrible:

Poor Girls Aloud. My nan could direct a better video, and she's blind. And dead.

Yet it still manages not to be their worst.



LaLa said...

Wow. They really pushed the barrel out for that one didn't they? Hate to say it but even the vocals suck arse. Do you think their record company is trying to save money?

Boz said...

Something kinda pooh?


Poor GA.

Anonymous said...

Woah, you're not joking. I know that they historically get away with slightly duff videos on the basis that their tunes are so ace no one really cares, but this is taking the piss.

What's with Cheryl and Kimberly's dodgy hair-do's? Why is the lovely Nicola dressed like a character from A Clockwork Orange?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate this video.
They look their worst.
And the flashing lights and colours? As much as the 90s rocked, the videos didn't.
Despite the crappy video, the song is kinda growing on me.

Gareth said...

Oh I've just seen a re-edited version with extra wooshy bits... and I quite like it now!

Re: Nicola's costume - That's so, so true.