Sunday, June 11, 2006

Long Hot Summer

Even though I actually left over a week ago, I thought I should probably blog that the first chapter of my uni trilogy is now over forever and ever. Unless I have to redo the year. But that simply cannot happen, since it's a Film & TV course and the shame of failing such a thing would be tantamount to that of some sort of OAP date-rape scandal.

But yeah, it's been quite a good year. I've made lots of new friends, a couple of whom will probably be kicking around in my life until I or they die, and lots more who I'll probably get Christmas cards from every year and wonder if the new name since last year's is a new child or pet (I'm basing this all on my parents by the way). I'm expecting to enjoy next year more though, since I won't be in the single most rancid, uncomfortable halls in the country. Seriously - they're like the lebanese orphanages you see on Comic Relief.

My course looks set to get a lot better too by becoming more practical and less theoretical. Although a clash has led to me having to pick a replacement module (tactfully called "Bent Screens") that focuses on the potrayal of the gaymosexuals in the media :( But it was either that or Canadian Film. Plus I've picked the modules that contain no exams whatsoever. Yesssss!

So I've now got well over three months to fill back here at home. I had intended to get some sort of job to fill the days, but after a bit of a think I realised that this was quite frankly a ludicrous idea, since me wearing a uniform, being told what to do and having to be nice to people, along with the whole having to do work think, are as good a mix as White Spirit and Vodka on a night out. I'll get one next year though, honest.

Instead I plan on lying in bed and on a sunlounger and generally doing very little. I may start watching Home and Away too.

Just how will I fit it all in??!



Anonymous said...

I look forward to my post late december each year then

Gareth said...

I'll send you a birthday card too if you like. Not that you'd open it.

Maybe at Christmas I could be one of those folk who spends money on envelopes and postage to send a little note to everyone saying that I'm not doing Christmas cards this year, and am instead giving the moeny saved to charity.

Or is this just my parents having odd friends?

Adrian said...

Why are you complaining about having to study gays in the films? Perfect opportunity to watch pervy DVDs and call it 'research'.

Gareth said...

Yeah that is true. I was reading about it in the modules handbook and there was a "Contains Explicit Material" warning about some of the screenings. Of course I'll probably get all embarassed by such debauchery and end up giggling like the 12 year old girl that I am.

Anonymous said...

Watch H&A dammit.
It has a pervy mother and son that wants to impregnate all the women of the world...or something.
A-HA-AND Flynn just died. My life is officially over. Except I'll still watch H&A. Plus it looks cool to call it H&A. Sounds like a posh store.

P.S. Get you rubbing your extravagent fun-filled life in me face. Whore.

Gareth said...

I watched two minutes earlier actually! Alf and Sally were in it! They were all upset. Didn't Flynn used to have a different head and body?

I missed the "previously on..." bit, along with the title sequence that gives tells me all the names, so I decided I was best off watching another time.

I doubt it can be as good as Neighbours.