Friday, August 18, 2006

Leave them kids alone.

Why is this sign following me around everywhere I go?!

It's in every shop window, in every paper and on every telly screen. Every fucking year it's the same, stretching from the end of July to September. Do retailers not understand that parents and kids both have the end of the 6 week holiday engraved in their minds from the moment school closes?

Despite actually leaving school last year (or 2003 if we're not counting the slightly less rubbish 6th form), I still get that horrible feeling in my stomach each time I see or hear it. Sob - there's only a few days of holiday freedom left until more PE hell, drab surroundings, teachers who hate you, and cunty classmates. I think going to school did more harm than good to my mental state. Best years of my life, I don't think so.


P.S. I would put this sign in Room 101, but the very brilliant (and now very dead) Linda Smith already did so a few years back. She said it was similar to having "Soon To Die" signs posted around an Old Folks' Home, which is both true and a great idea of something to do next time I'm stuck visiting my Granparents.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking they change the sign to:
"Retarded street decoration to be locked up till xmas, so us mega-cool uni kids are safe for a few weeks".

Gareth said...

I'm sorry Uma, you've lost me a bit. So either I'm slow or you've been at the dizzy water. Obviously the former is umpossible.

Anonymous said...

I'm so misunderstood. *Bawls eyes out and crawls back under rock*

On the plus side, I would have never have known the potential of my name if you hadn't climbed into my pooter! :D My name is amazing!

Gareth said...

Silly girl, you should bawl out your eyes AFTER you're back under the rock. Otherwise you might get lost or bang your head or summit.