Now that this place is simply "Candyland", a little order and tradition need to be installed in the form of our very own Mayor.
So let's have an election! Like what the grownups do!
Just like an ITV gameshow, normal people aren't good enough to take part. Let's meet the celebrity candidates:
1) Charlotte Church - Could 'ave you in a fight.
2) Sir Cliff Richard - Married to God.
3) Dame Elizabeth Taylor - Doesn't know where she is anymore.
4) Dolly Parton - Bought her hair off poor Swedish orphans.
5) Cheryl Tweedy (nee Cole) - Vera Lynn for the I-Pod Generation.
The Mayor will be needed to make the Christmas speech, along with addressing the nation in times of national emergency, such as Terrorism or Posh Spice wearing something nasty. Use your vote wisely. The poll will remain open for one week, which is enough time for all (let's be honest, 3) votes to be cast. Unlike in the real world, women are allowed to vote in this election
That was democracy, what you just felt.
Online voting!? How shiny!
I have placed my vote. Does that mean I am a citizen of Candyland? Are there by-elections? Do I have parking rights? How does this affect my Council Tax??
"Vera Lynn for the i-pod generation" - brilliant!
I hope our council recycles and gives us nice wheelie bins. Dolly for Mayor!
Yes, you are all now citizans of Candyland. The new Mayor owns your souls. Just hope it's not Cliff Richard, coz he'll give 'em to Jesus and you won't be able to do anything fun.
99 votes?! How?! There were less that 10 twelve hours ago.
167 votes? Ha!
Someones been over-populating candyland...is this place big enough? If it isn't are we gonna "do a china" and get rid of all the girls?
With the exception of me of course.
I really don't get the voting! There's no way more than about 5 folk read this site, so either it's linked to from somewhere else on the blogpoll website, someone with too much time on their hands has found a way to multi-vote, or it's just broken. Either way, the leader still gets to be Mayor at Thursday Midnight.
I have to say, I did just vote again. But only cos its sooooo close! Finger biting stuff Gareth. Or rather fingernail biting...
Bad Uma, BAD. I thought I'd set it against multi voting too. Bloody computers, I'll never understand 'em.
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