Thursday, January 25, 2007

The best use of a red dress since Schindler's List.

Posh people do it better. Fact.

I was internetless (no I wasn't actually dead, I'd just vacuumed over our modem) when Sophie Ellis Bextor stuck this onto the web, so I'm only just discovering it now. It's so nice to have her back. What with her and The Feeling, PoshPop could be a new genre before long.

It will be a big shame when this flops harder than Tom Cruise on Wedding Night. I may even cry.



[james] said...

She's cooler than the red dress etc etc

LaLa said...

Oooooh. I love Soph. She is so... posh and stuff.

I am a bit concerned though as she does look a little like she may have recently come out of a concentration camp she is so thin.

Gareth said...

She is a bag of bones actually. I didn't notice at first, I was too busy being concerned about her sitting with her legs wide open. It's not very ladylike.