Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hissy phitt.

This Summer sees the release of possibly the most brilliantly-shit film ever made. It's about an assasin who decides to bump someone off by releasing a cratefull of deadly snakes on board their plane, and has for some reason been called Snakes on a Plane.

Quite why this particular assasin chooses such an elaborate and less-effective method of despatch for his target is a bit of a mystery, although"Man Gets Shot" isn't such an ace title.

The trailer is currently living here and is AMAZING.



Anonymous said...


I can't access the trailer. Is there a hip-hop subtext to the story, or am I just projecting racial stereotypes on the man in the picture? I like the straightforward approach to film titles though.

Gareth said...

I'm not really sure. If there's no hip hop involved, then I'm guilty of the same as you.

There's no hiphoposity in the trailer. Just lots snakes. On an plane. My favourite part is where one pops out of a lady's cleavage.