We went to see Girls Aloud!
There was:
- Boobies and legs. Legs more so. There was quite a bit of arse too. Obviously no crack, that would just be vulgar. But they wore short shorts.
- Live singing. Ooh er... But no! They pulled it off really well. Some bits were so good that I thought they'd started to mime, only for the odd missed line to reassure me they hadn't.
- Some nonsense at the very beginning involving an unconvincing mad scientist (i.e. a 20 year old dancer in a wig) "creating girls aloud". Apparently this was like Weird Science. I didn't know what that was. Dan told me off.
- Cheryl Tweedy's magic debut, where she disappeared into thin air. Seriously! Debbie McGee can fuck right off.
- A cover of I Predict A Riot which quite non-literally kicked the Kaiser Chiefs in their nutsacks. Even though "to borrow a pound for a bus-stop" sounds shit. Speaking of which, they actually sung "shit" during No Good Advice. How edgy.
- The unsubtlety of Cheryl Tweedy - "Aww look at yas all. We love ya with all ya merchandise."
- Wake Me Up hair swishing that could have had your eye out.
- The realisation that I know every single word to virtuaally every Girls Aloud song.
- Two girl bands as support acts. Possibly actors paid by the record company to make us appreciate The Aloud even more.
- A frankly brilliantlyshit backing video for I'll Stand By You - featuring individual zoom into close-up and panning shots of each girl - where Nicola looked disabled.
- Sarah totally kicking the other girls' asses in the best hair awards. Nadine had a Something-About-Mary-jizz-fringe to accompany her £3.50 Boots blonde dye job, and Kimberley had just had a bath with a toaster.
- Lots of cheering from me whenever Nicola was shown.
- Dancing druid monks!
- Confetti! Fireworks! Shiney-bright lights! Dry ice! Catwalk! Trapdoors! Buff dancers! Lab coats!
- Generally great choreography. Especially for Waiting. Although having to hold microphones meant there was no cat move during Love Machine. Sob.
- A graveyard of an audience. Everybody seemed funfilled, yet still remained seated. Fools. This meant I was regulated to dancing like a quadriplegic, though I obviously got up and did the obligatory jumps during Jump. I soon sat down when I realised it was just me and the comedy gay next to me in our whole block.
- A musicals medley (Fame! Flashdance! Footloose!).
There was no:
- Political messages.
- Songs being sung by the folk who'd written them.
- Drabness.
- Tawdry "let's split the audience up into two parts and see who can cheer the loadest" competition.
- Life Got Cold.
- Swinging London Town
So all in all, it was a bit well good.